Our Name
“Vitam” = The Life
Rhymes with “I AM”
Embodies the essence of Carpe Vitam: Seize the life!
The Quote on Our Wall
“In the end it’s not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years”
- Abraham Lincoln
Our Beginning
In 2014, Vitam was founded by Dr. Kathleen Berg as a holistic Physical Therapy clinic.
Dr. Berg was passionate about hands-on care, creating a safe & sacred destination for healing, and helping people heal and thrive. Her method was different, effective, and in high demand.
And yet, she knew there was more to offer and that people were asking for something more.
She studied many of the medicines of the world, developing great respect for them and their different yet essential approach. She knew that collaborating with other medicines was the fuel for more powerful, lasting, natural, holistic, and effective transformation.
The Big Leap
In 2019, Vitam Organic Integrative Medicines was born.
A tribe of passionate doctors and healers came together to manifest our collective wisdom.
We continuously learn from each other so that we’re not bound nor blind by our scope of practice. Instead, we’re empowered by working alongside each other and knowing how and when we can bring on other medicines to assist our clients.
We’re passionate about challenging the status quo of healthcare in the U.S.
We see the power and magic in using conventional integrative medicines and ancient wisdom that continues to stand the test of time.
We recognize that each individual has a unique constitution, warranting an individualized approach.
In 2022, we founded Vitam University to share this approach to people around the world.

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